Final Capstone Project Presentation

 On Thursday, April 21, I completed my Capstone project. 

My final Capstone project presentation was a culmination of the work I have done on my grant project, and it took place in the Upper School Library, where I had presented my grant proposal to a panel a few months earlier. 

I used a presentation on Canva to share the details of my grant project, which I did in conjunction with Young & Healthy (Y&H), a nonprofit organization located in Pasadena. I have been volunteering for Y&H since my freshman year, so this project is one that I have been passionate about since the beginning. 

The project, in general terms, is creating a mental health workshop for 2nd through 5th grade students in the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD).  I am using two children's books and a workbook that I am personally designing to supplement the program, which will last for 30 minutes.

My Capstone presentation was less difficult that I thought because I am so well-versed in the topic that is my project. I received feedback saying that my project was clear and easy to follow, as I had broken down my presentation into different sections. 

I also spoke to my project's connection to Poly. This involves leaving copies of the three books at Poly and (possibly) testing out the curriculum on a Poly elementary school class. 

At the end, I opened up for a Q&A session, through which I heard new ideas such as reaching out to elementary school teachers for feedback on the workshop curriculum. 

After the presentation, I spoke to Ms. Diederich and Mr. Caragher about ways that I can expand my project at Poly and beyond, and they gave me some great contacts. 

I went into my Capstone project presentation thinking that I was doing the presentation for the benefit of others and to bring awareness to it; however, I left with great new ideas on how to grow my project even more than currently planned. 

If I had to redo the process, I would make sure to publicize the event more, but I was content with the turnout, regardless of the advertisement process.


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