United Nations Youth Observers Visit Polytechnic School
On October 21, 2021, Global Scholar Ikenna O. hosted “UN Day: Creating a Blueprint for a Better Future.” This second GIP event of the year featured current United Nations Youth Observer Dustin Liu and the next Youth Observer Cynthia Yue.
Dustin and Cynthia first shared about the UN Youth Observer role then answered some questions from the audience about why they are passionate about what they do, how we can engage young people in “Creating a Blueprint for a Better Future,” and more.
I appreciated Dustin Liu and Cynthia Yue for taking the time to speak to the Poly community about the significance of youth advocacy because I believe that there are a large number of young people eager to help their communities and the larger world but need guidance.
I was especially interested in their point about giving young people more tangible roles in the opportunities they do get. To really involve young people, it is important to let them know that their voices matter; otherwise, young people will not be as inclined to participate.
The UN observers were clearly passionate about their roles, which made the event extra engaging. I think that their dedication to involving young people is admirable and has motivated me to find ways to become globally engaged. I am excited to learn more about the Youth Observer position and to hear more from the UN in the future.
Aleena, you are correct about the passion of Dustin, Cynthia and the other HS voices (all from Poly). Their commitment and zeal were evident. I also found the videos to be inspiring and encouraging. The point Dustin made about "burnout" was not one that I had considered but made me really think a lot about how we address, cover and engage in global matters including SDGs. Finally, you wrote, "On October 21, 2021, Global Scholars Jackie S. and Margaret S. hosted “UN Day: Creating a Blueprint for a Better Future.” The the event they co-led was the KhinSandi Lwin talk on October 11. This UNA event featured our own GS Ikenna moderating the videos being unveiled AND the Q & A with the directors of said videos.