UNA-Pasadena & Polytechnic Chapter: International Women's Day Celebration
Led by Global Scholars Jackie S. and Ella M., the UNA-Pasadena & Polytechnic Chapter GIP event was an outstanding celebration of International Women's Day.
The event started with a panel discussion featuring inspiring women, which featured Ella M. asking the panelists a series of insightful questions. The panel featured, first, KhinSandi Lwin, UNICEF Representative with a 35-year career working in ten countries. The second panelist was Eunice Reddick, American diplomat and former ambassador to Niger, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe.
On the other hand, Reddick said, "I worked my way from an entry level foreign service office to the senior foreign service." Reddick highlighted the competition present in the State Department and its personnel system, and how it led her to develop confidence in herself and in her ability to lead others.
I was especially touched when Reddick emphasized the connection between passion and success. She said that developing a passion and finding what you are excited about -- by exploring your options -- is the path that will lead you to success.
Although I did not attend the event live, I was still greatly impacted by both KhinSandi Lwin's and Eunice Reddick's answers when later watching the event. As a woman, it is easy to undermine yourself, but it is women like Lwin and Reddick who inspire confidence in me and make me strive to be a better person.
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