A Nonpartisan State of the World featuring Terry McCarthy

On Monday evening, January 31, 2022, Global Scholars Jack A. and Jason M. hosted Terry McCarthy in a GIP Virtual Event. During the first half of the event, Terry McCarthy talked about his experience as a foreign correspondent and spoke about current international affairs such as the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the civil and political unrest in Kazakhstan, Syria, and Myanmar. After, Dr. McCarthy answered questions from other Global Scholars and audience members.

Terry McCarthy reported on politics, business, military, social and environmental issues across several countries/continents - the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America - for TIME magazine, ABC News, and CBS News for 27 years. He is also the CEO of the LA World Affairs Council and the American Academy Berlin, has managed bureaus in the US and overseas and set up two bureaus in war zones, won four Emmys and an Edward R. Murrow award.

Going into the event, I was curious to hear Dr. McCarthy speak to the role of bias in current international affairs and, more importantly, how to avoid bias. I was specifically intrigued when Dr. McCarthy was talking about understanding the reasoning behind horrific events. He mentioned that when we see news of men throwing acid into young girls' faces who want to go to school, for example, we immediately label it a "horrific act" and leave it there. He urged us to, rather, explore the reasoning behind it. Although you may have the same opinion of the act after - it is horrific - you will undoubtedly come out with more knowledge.

Further, I was inspired when Dr. McCarthy talked about diversifying your media sources. Although I tend to use the read the same few newspapers, it has been a goal of mine for a while to expand my media intake. I am certain this will help me recognize and mitigate my own bias. I also want to use that piece of advice when undertaking writing assignments such as writing articles for The Paw Print or research papers for school.

Thank you for a wonderful talk, Dr. McCarthy, and congratulations to Jack and Jason for leading the event!


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