About Me
Languages: I have been taking Spanish classes since 6th grade, and I have developed a deep love for the language. I plan to take AP Spanish Literature in my senior year and hope to continue to study the language in college. Also, I am learning Urdu so that I can speak it with my parents and other relatives.
GIP Courses: I took AP Spanish Language and Composition in my junior year to continue my language track. I also participated in Globalization and Human Rights in the second semester of my junior year, which has inspired my interest in human rights. I am taking International Relations during my senior year.
Travel Programs and Global Organizations: I had planned to travel to Belize with Poly in the spring of 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the trip from occurring. I will, however, participate in a virtual travel program to fulfill my requirement. I was a teen ambassador for the Pacific Asia Museum during the spring of 2021, and I plan to apply to the program again during my senior year.
Capstone Project: As of June 2021, I do not have a Capstone Project in mind yet; however, I want my project to benefit children.
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